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Language Arts includes: Shurley English, Six Traits Writing, Purposeful Design Spelling, and BJU Reading.

Overview of the Class

At a time when God is under attack by some in our nation who would change our national motto, literature still tells the true story of those whose success came through their faith. Our BJU reading books and other novels will be a great springboard to talk about what the Bible says about strong godly character.

Guiding children through literature that contains good, moral characters who represent strong values, who overcome adversity, who make us laugh and make us cry is essential in character building. It is still essential that the teacher be there to to shine a light on the character traits and to open young eyes who might otherwise miss a character building moment.

BJU reading highlights character, moral values, and decision making skills in every unit. Through our reading books and novel units, your children will be immersed in character!

I will be teaching units of study to all the students in my individual graded classes. Although many times all the students will be working on the same skill, we will be using different levels of materials and supplemental activities to enrich the learning of those who need to be challenged above their grade level. Students may work on these through individual contracts.
See Our ACS 3rd Grade Classroom For More